Ready Set – The Fitness App

Ready Set is a fitness app concept designed to help you work out anytime, anywhere. This concept embraces the energy and flexibility of modern fitness, giving users the freedom to train on their terms—whether at home, outdoors, or on the go.

The branding reflects this dynamic lifestyle, with bold, bright colors and high-contrast visuals that capture the intensity and focus of every workout. Ready Set empowers users to push their limits, making fitness accessible, vibrant, and engaging, no matter where life takes them.

The moodboard for this concept showcases striking high-contrast imagery, blending both monochrome and vibrant color schemes. A major design feature for this branding is the vibrant pops of icons and patterns. These show movement and vibrancy that can come with high intensity work outs. 


The moodboard for this concept showcases striking high-contrast imagery, blending both monochrome and vibrant color schemes. A key design element is the use of bold, energetic icons and dynamic patterns that inject bursts of color into the visuals. These elements are designed to convey a sense of movement and excitement, capturing the energy and intensity of high-performance workouts. The overall aesthetic embodies the power and vibrancy of an active lifestyle, bringing the brand to life in a visually impactful way.

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Gingerbread sweet roll fruitcake chocolate bar. Marzipan chocolate bar pudding wafer tart tart. Sesame snaps caramels liquorice dragée jujubes. Donut halvah pastry. Halvah jujubes caramels macaroon gingerbread lollipop. Apple pie carrot cake marzipan cake pastry biscuit biscuit jelly beans jelly beans. Apple pie powder chocolate cake bonbon.

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